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Grievous Scarlet Scars Volume 2 JM Darhower 9781942206224 Books

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Download PDF Grievous Scarlet Scars Volume 2 JM Darhower 9781942206224 Books

Once upon a time, there was a girl who stopped believing in fairy tales after her innocence was stolen. Morgan Myers is tired. So damn tired. Most people either push her around or brush her off, and she's not putting up with it anymore. Determined to reclaim the life that had been stolen from her, she puts her trust in the last person she ever expected to the notorious Scar. Morgan sees a side of him that few people seem to know--the man, not the myth. Lorenzo. And what she sees, she likes, a lot more than she thought she would. But fairy tales aren't real, as life likes to remind her. Some dragons, you just can't slay, no matter how hard you fight them. And when hers comes back around, breathing fire, she's forced to face some unimaginable horrors. But lucky for Morgan, there's a white knight in combat boots out there that isn't afraid of monsters. You see, it's impossible to be afraid of something you face every day in the mirror.

Grievous Scarlet Scars Volume 2 JM Darhower 9781942206224 Books

It's been a week and I'm still finding it hard to review this because I feel like no review of mine can express how much I LOVED this duet especially the characters. I'm ridiculously obsessed with it. Every once in a while, there are these characters that just stick with you so much. They are so good that they become your standards on what you want in a character. Lorenzo and Morgan are that way to me and are now my favorite hero and heroine. This is also one of those rare books where I absolute loved both the hero and heroine equally. It's very rare for an author to nail both and she successfully did it here. Both Lorenzo and Morgan were written so wonderfully and they both felt so human. They are perfectly flawed. What I love most though is that even though they reacted and adapted to situations, both characters still consistently stayed true to themselves. They are great alone and together. The characters complimented each other so much so that I felt that it wouldn't have worked this well if they were paired with a different character.

It goes without saying that Lorenzo is batsh-t crazy. But boy will you fall in love with this crazy man. He's just too awesome for words. If you're not sold on him yet with Menace, then he will seal the deal with Grievous. He will make you laugh and swoon so hard in this book. You can't count on him to make grand declarations of his feelings but his actions speak volumes. And the length he goes for Morgan will have you smiling from ear to ear. And he does all of these with so much style and humor. Let's also not forget that this dirty talkin' man is no slouch in bed. He'd have you hot and bothered in no time. Don't get me wrong... He didn't just go soft or anything like that. This crazy man child is still as impulsive, immature, and petty as ever. He will still have a fit and probably kill you if you speak ill of his precious Star Wars or if you ruin his puzzles. One of my favorite things about him though and is something we don't quite see in heroes is how he just lets Morgan do her thing. It's so refreshing to see a hero not dominate and dictate what the heroine should do every step of the way. He acknowledges and admires her strength. He supports her but doesn't feel the need to bend her to his will. He wants Morgan to put herself first and see where he fits in her life rather than see where she fits in his life.

Morgan Myers is one strong, badass heroine. She's definitely the best heroine I've read ever (or at least in a long, long while). She's so friggin' resilient. She's not 'strong' in the physical sense where she fights like an assassin or whatever but she is beyond strong in character. Especially for someone as young as she is. She went through more horrors and degradation than any human deserves to experience in the 21 years of her life and yet she never lost hope and the will to live. She endures because she's fighting for the people that she loves. Despite all these, she did not become some humorless and emotionless shell of a person either. She's too strong and full of life for that. She still knows how to have fun and sass her way out of things. If she was just a weak, passive broken woman, she wouldn't have captured the attention of Lorenzo at all. I'll go as far as say that the things coming out of her mouth are just as funny as Lorenzo's. Well, almost. But what I love most about her is that she did not need a man to complete her life. She acknowledges her feelings and knows that she wants this man she fell in love with but she doesn't need him in order to live because the most important thing to her will always be her little sunshine.

Like with the previous book, the little girl's chapter were still heartbreaking to read. It's depressing to see Kassian try to break the spirit of this girl who was once full of light and love before she was torn apart from her mother. In addition to Seven, we also get to know more about the rest of Lorenzo's crew like Three and Five. Three, in particular, got some time to shine.

'Grievous' picks up immediately where we left off in "Menace" with Lorenzo offering his help to Morgan after he found out her secret. From there on, it's a fight for the two to finally rescue Morgan's little sunshine. There's a lot to love in Grievous as it has the perfect blend of everything you'd expect in a great book. The first half or so is actually sweet and fluffy as you see Lorenzo does things to show Morgan how he cares for her. He will not admit it and he is perplexed himself on why he is doing these things but for us, outsiders, it's clear that this crazy man has fallen in love and is doing everything he can to bring some much needed happiness to Morgan's life. My favorite is seeing these two in the closest thing to a 'date'. And because they are who they are, they end up doing hilarious and demented things. Things get serious and take a much, much darker turn in the 2nd half. I haven't read all of Darkhower's works yet but I'd warrant a guess that this is her darkest work. Your heart will break and you will get really uncomfortable as we're given a front row seat to the horrors that Kassian can inflict on someone. Sacrifices, deaths, and a hurtful (yet understandable but still unforgivable IMO) betrayal will also make appearances at the 2nd half. Despite all these, a few things are clear: Morgan, despite wanting to break, will endure everything thrown at her for what she's fighting for and Lorenzo will scorch the earth (well more like throw grenades and stuff) to finally free Morgan from Kassian's hold once and for all.

I also enjoyed the running theme of fairy tales and happily ever afters throughout the duet. From Lorenzo's half-assed recounting of the Juniper Tree to Morgan's sexy retelling of Verde Prato, and all the way to how their story together actually has similarities to Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast.

One of my favorite parts is the last few chapters especially with how both (especially Lorenzo) unraveled with their feelings for each other. Poor guy didn't know what hit him and seeing him come undone made me grin like a fool. With the way their relationship developed, their ending felt so earned and leaves you wanting to know more about their future.

Lastly, I will just beg Ms. Darhower to do give us more of them. I'll take a novella but another series would be ideal because... Lorenzo. And Morgan. And shortcake. And Three, Five, Leo, Melody, Seven... There's so much more stories I can imagine someone with Darhower's talent can tell about them. Lorenzo's life is too damn fascinating and colorful to be limited to just a duet. Please? Plus, it can't end without us knowing what Lorenzo thought of The Force Awakens and the upcoming The Last Jedi...

Product details

  • Series Scarlet Scars
  • Paperback 338 pages
  • Publisher J.M. Darhower (February 5, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1942206224

Read Grievous Scarlet Scars Volume 2 JM Darhower 9781942206224 Books

Tags : Grievous (Scarlet Scars) (Volume 2) [J.M. Darhower] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Once upon a time, there was a girl who stopped believing in fairy tales after her innocence was stolen. Morgan Myers is tired. So damn tired. Most people either push her around or brush her off,J.M. Darhower,Grievous (Scarlet Scars) (Volume 2),J.M. Darhower,1942206224,FICTION Romance Suspense
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Grievous Scarlet Scars Volume 2 JM Darhower 9781942206224 Books Reviews

❝crazy gets sh!t done, Scarlet.❞

Yes, yes it does, Lorenzo and I loved your crazy!

Darhower ends this series with the best book of the two, Grievous. It was intense and sexy. She held my attention the entire way through. In fact, I found myself reading so quickly, getting caught up in the story, I had to stop and go back and reread some passages because my eyes were moving faster than my mind. WHAT? Tell me that hasn't ever happened to you, and I won't believe it. But if it hasn't, you haven't truly experienced a Darhower book!

This author is a favorite of mine. I love all of her books. She mixes intrigue, mystery, and romance up with outstanding character development and stellar storytelling, giving us a package worthy of a blue tiffany box.

❝Maybe the trick in life is just to find someone whose crazy plays well with your own.❞

Lorenzo was just this side of insane. He had a toe (okay, toenail) on the side of sanity. He was the perfect tortured anti-hero. He does bad things, has twisted thoughts making him a bad man. Let's not forget that. But Darhower perfectly balances the bad with the good, and that good being his love for his brother and Morgan. It was his struggle between the need to do what love dictated he do, with the need to do atrocious things that made him such an interesting character for me.

Let's talk about her secondary characters.

In Grievous they really come to life. Reading "the little girl's" chapters TORE ME UP! I cried so many tears for this character. I loved her spunk and her love for her mother. Her chapters were incredibly creative with the little girl referring to others as characters from the Wizard of Ozz!

Aristov... holy hell! He was evil incarnate! You could "see" the evil in this man. He had zero remorse, zero feelings, and was one scary dude!

Yet another winner from J.M. Darhower, Grievous will take you on a crazy, violent, schmexy ride.
Wow! This book had me on the edge of my seat, nervous and scared of what was going to happen. Surprises, suspense, action and some pretty hot steamy scenes -- this was amazing! Lorenzo is the ultimate anti-hero, he's dangerous and he doesn't seem to care about anyone or anything. Morgan is a fantastic heroine - strong and willing to do whatever she has to do to save what she loves. I don't want to say much because I don't want to give anything away but Morgan is seriously one of my favorite heroines ever - she is bad ass and able to hold it together in situations that would break most people. I loved this book, loved this series! It's an early favorite of 2017 and going on my favorites list
It's been a week and I'm still finding it hard to review this because I feel like no review of mine can express how much I LOVED this duet especially the characters. I'm ridiculously obsessed with it. Every once in a while, there are these characters that just stick with you so much. They are so good that they become your standards on what you want in a character. Lorenzo and Morgan are that way to me and are now my favorite hero and heroine. This is also one of those rare books where I absolute loved both the hero and heroine equally. It's very rare for an author to nail both and she successfully did it here. Both Lorenzo and Morgan were written so wonderfully and they both felt so human. They are perfectly flawed. What I love most though is that even though they reacted and adapted to situations, both characters still consistently stayed true to themselves. They are great alone and together. The characters complimented each other so much so that I felt that it wouldn't have worked this well if they were paired with a different character.

It goes without saying that Lorenzo is batsh-t crazy. But boy will you fall in love with this crazy man. He's just too awesome for words. If you're not sold on him yet with Menace, then he will seal the deal with Grievous. He will make you laugh and swoon so hard in this book. You can't count on him to make grand declarations of his feelings but his actions speak volumes. And the length he goes for Morgan will have you smiling from ear to ear. And he does all of these with so much style and humor. Let's also not forget that this dirty talkin' man is no slouch in bed. He'd have you hot and bothered in no time. Don't get me wrong... He didn't just go soft or anything like that. This crazy man child is still as impulsive, immature, and petty as ever. He will still have a fit and probably kill you if you speak ill of his precious Star Wars or if you ruin his puzzles. One of my favorite things about him though and is something we don't quite see in heroes is how he just lets Morgan do her thing. It's so refreshing to see a hero not dominate and dictate what the heroine should do every step of the way. He acknowledges and admires her strength. He supports her but doesn't feel the need to bend her to his will. He wants Morgan to put herself first and see where he fits in her life rather than see where she fits in his life.

Morgan Myers is one strong, badass heroine. She's definitely the best heroine I've read ever (or at least in a long, long while). She's so friggin' resilient. She's not 'strong' in the physical sense where she fights like an assassin or whatever but she is beyond strong in character. Especially for someone as young as she is. She went through more horrors and degradation than any human deserves to experience in the 21 years of her life and yet she never lost hope and the will to live. She endures because she's fighting for the people that she loves. Despite all these, she did not become some humorless and emotionless shell of a person either. She's too strong and full of life for that. She still knows how to have fun and sass her way out of things. If she was just a weak, passive broken woman, she wouldn't have captured the attention of Lorenzo at all. I'll go as far as say that the things coming out of her mouth are just as funny as Lorenzo's. Well, almost. But what I love most about her is that she did not need a man to complete her life. She acknowledges her feelings and knows that she wants this man she fell in love with but she doesn't need him in order to live because the most important thing to her will always be her little sunshine.

Like with the previous book, the little girl's chapter were still heartbreaking to read. It's depressing to see Kassian try to break the spirit of this girl who was once full of light and love before she was torn apart from her mother. In addition to Seven, we also get to know more about the rest of Lorenzo's crew like Three and Five. Three, in particular, got some time to shine.

'Grievous' picks up immediately where we left off in "Menace" with Lorenzo offering his help to Morgan after he found out her secret. From there on, it's a fight for the two to finally rescue Morgan's little sunshine. There's a lot to love in Grievous as it has the perfect blend of everything you'd expect in a great book. The first half or so is actually sweet and fluffy as you see Lorenzo does things to show Morgan how he cares for her. He will not admit it and he is perplexed himself on why he is doing these things but for us, outsiders, it's clear that this crazy man has fallen in love and is doing everything he can to bring some much needed happiness to Morgan's life. My favorite is seeing these two in the closest thing to a 'date'. And because they are who they are, they end up doing hilarious and demented things. Things get serious and take a much, much darker turn in the 2nd half. I haven't read all of Darkhower's works yet but I'd warrant a guess that this is her darkest work. Your heart will break and you will get really uncomfortable as we're given a front row seat to the horrors that Kassian can inflict on someone. Sacrifices, deaths, and a hurtful (yet understandable but still unforgivable IMO) betrayal will also make appearances at the 2nd half. Despite all these, a few things are clear Morgan, despite wanting to break, will endure everything thrown at her for what she's fighting for and Lorenzo will scorch the earth (well more like throw grenades and stuff) to finally free Morgan from Kassian's hold once and for all.

I also enjoyed the running theme of fairy tales and happily ever afters throughout the duet. From Lorenzo's half-assed recounting of the Juniper Tree to Morgan's sexy retelling of Verde Prato, and all the way to how their story together actually has similarities to Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast.

One of my favorite parts is the last few chapters especially with how both (especially Lorenzo) unraveled with their feelings for each other. Poor guy didn't know what hit him and seeing him come undone made me grin like a fool. With the way their relationship developed, their ending felt so earned and leaves you wanting to know more about their future.

Lastly, I will just beg Ms. Darhower to do give us more of them. I'll take a novella but another series would be ideal because... Lorenzo. And Morgan. And shortcake. And Three, Five, Leo, Melody, Seven... There's so much more stories I can imagine someone with Darhower's talent can tell about them. Lorenzo's life is too damn fascinating and colorful to be limited to just a duet. Please? Plus, it can't end without us knowing what Lorenzo thought of The Force Awakens and the upcoming The Last Jedi...
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